Sunday, 11 December 2011

Christmas is Coming

Christmas has officially begun here in merry little Winchester. It started with a lantern procession, where local people made paper lanterns and parade through the streets, lead by the local brass band. Leading the crowd to the cathedral which looked absolutely stunning surrounded by christmas lights, and the opening of the christmas fair and ice rink.

The Christmas market looks beautiful, most of the craft items being sold are the sort of thing you can make at home without a problem but its still a perfect hunting ground for ideas. I've done most of my Christmas shopping now though so I'm happy, my sister is stressing out as she's bought no gifts yet.

Its been a bit hectic here, with exams and essays but things are slowly starting to settle down. I've got a few things to hand in and a few presentations to do but its all good really. I'm calm and prepared.  We've even had time to set up a little Christmas tree in the living room. Its only about three foot tall but it makes it feel a bit more like home, this year will be the first year I wont be there to help set up the tree... I feel like I'm actually supposed to be a grown up now. I don't think I ever will be though.

My presents I ordered online when I was sick have finally started arriving as well, which is brilliant, I was worried some of them wouldn't arrive in time. Though Elles earrings aren't here yet... I got my Father a tie as always, he is always in a tie. It wouldn't be my FatherBean without a tie on.

For my Mim I bought some silver dachshund earrings as she loves dachshunds, our little Lily should be expecting so hopefully there will be puppies by new years. I also bought her a Winchester Cathedral christmas tree decoration as I thought it was beautiful and the earrings weren't really enough.

I bought my Best friend Krisi a 'Grow your own boyfriend' because back when I was buy presents I asked what she wanted and she responded 'a man.' Best gift ever, so fitting... she has since found herself a real boyfriend so she best think its still funny or I might offend. Oh Well.

I need to buy a cross stitch book for Leigh and something Beauty and The Beast theme for Amanda. I also need to make a batch of Fudge for my secret Santa. I'll do that tomorrow. I also did my Christmas cards for Laura, Andy, Sophie and Beth; the people I will be living with next year. 

Laura with Santa, Based on the mouldy teapot incident 

Beth calls everyone Ducky

Andy got locked in a bathroom and needed rescuing by firemen... 

Sophie... well Sophie does west country harry potter so it makes sense

Belinda Stepford

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