Sunday, 26 February 2012

I went shopping today, I shouldn't really being a poor starving student and all... but this dress. This dress just spoke to me. I saw it days ago and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I just love it. So I bought it. Student  budget out the window, more than my weekly shop budget, but I figured if I don't buy it I will regret it. Its just so lovely and odd.

Its a red herring special again, I seriously adore red herring designs. They are so classic. It had little dachshunds and hearts all over, so it suites my life. How often do you see clothes with dachshunds on anyway? It did come with a really ugly tacky brown belt which is being relegated to the dressing up box. I'm going to buy a little red belt to go with it instead.

I desperately need a hair cut at the moment, its just so expensive where I live though and I'm so picky about my hair I don't want to go to a really cheap salon type place, I was meant to get it dyed and cut over christmas but there where literally no free appointments. I'm also bored of the blonde. I've been blonde for longer than I've ever kept a colour before so I fancy a change. I'm just not sure what. Maybe go back to a dark colour, closer to my winter shades, my natural hair is so changeable. I always ended up near blonde in summer it streaked that easily in the sun, so I suit most shades. I'm a little bit of a chameleon that way.

Belinda Stepford

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