Clem and Angel
We still haven't found a home for Clem, apparently Brindle dachshunds aren't in fashion, but because dachshund in general are in fashion you can find tons of cheap irresponsibly bred ones at the moment. We don't want her going to a home who aren't going to buy a dog from a reputable source, she is PRA clear and has all her history, I think she might end up going to our family friend Julie if no one steps up soon.
Blossom had blossomed into the most beautiful dog ever, her markings and temperament are just amazing. We could have sold her so many times but my Mim just fell in love with her, she is hoping to show her as well which would be a great little hobby i think. She is so playful and just loves bouncing all over you its so sweet. We've also had a breeder interested in studding one of her dogs with her when shes old enough.
Rosie is such the leader of our little gang, she is so much bigger than Angel its insane, she is a real bold little thing. She like to chew shoe laces and attempts to climb everything its quite sweet. Her new owner can't wait to get her its going to be so sad to see her go but the lady she is going to is a lovely school teacher so we are happy she'll be loved.
Clem isn't as bold as Blossom or Rosie but she isn't as shy as Angel. She is a lovely good natured dog who just loves cuddles, on the Friday I got home she refused to get into bed with the others and ended up on my lap while I watched tv and the rest slept, it was adorable. She is such a little tinker though.
Little Angel is doing great, she is still the runt by 300g which when you are tiny thats a lot to be smaller by but she is healthy. She is a little slower than the others, the vet thinks she might have been a bit oxygen deprived when her umbilical cord was wrapped around her tail which is unfortunate but it doesn't look like she has any lasting affects from it as she seems healthy other than being little. She is gentle and sweet, an overall great dog. We are going to keep her as a pet as we wouldn't be being responsible if we gave her to someone else as she might develop health problems in the future. She is such a happy little dog though, I'm so glad we are keeping her. My Mim even agreed if the landlord had let me have a dog I could have taken her.
It was so difficult to say goodbye to their little faces, I almost got Angel in my bag before Mim noticed. Its not that long until I am back home for summer anyway, but it is going to be weird without Rosie and probably Clem seeing as she will hopefully find a soon anytime now. In other news I got my hair done, the blonde is gone and I'm back to brunette, its still very long which is weird for me but I'm enjoying the change from cropped. Now I'm back in Winchester the blogs will get back to there usual updates.
Belinda Stepford
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